
December 31, 2006

Workshop Updates

Filed under: Workshops and Seminars — Tony Bridge @ 12:25 pm


Kia ora tatou:

Just a reminder of the one-day seminars in January. There are still a few places left, so if you want a break from festive season excess and to give your eye, camera and brain a workout, sign up.

The 3 courses dovetail, building upon each other.

Workshop One is devoted to the basics of photography, and looks at getting such things as exposure and development correct. More importantly, it looks at how we can make creative choices in this area. We may discuss basics, but it will be anything but basic. Note that we will look at the difference between RAW and jpeg when working in the field. And it is way easier to get a grip on it when faced with a real situation. Notes will be provided

Workshop 2 looks at dark/lightroom issues, at how to get the most out of that side of the process. I will be using Lightroom, but the skills are ones that are readily transferable to whatever package you use( Rawshooter, CS2, Capture One, etc.) this is a one-day in-house lecture type seminar. for those of you new to digital there will be lots of useful basic stuff ( like why you should ALWAYS use a card reader)Notes will be provided.

Workshop 3 puts it all together. We will spend time using these things in the field. In this instance I want to spend time on previsualisation, and show you how to analyse a scene, beginning from the statement you want to make (the [metaphorical] 2-cigarette method), considering the design issues based on that, then how to think through the technical decisions required to feel confident of the best possible subject. I also want to demonstrate a technique called Shooting Around the Subject. Notes provided.

A number of you have asked about the Maniototo workshops. We are working on details of those at the moment, and the final bumf should be out later this week. There will be one in late April in Naseby, 15-20, and another in July. The workshops will focus heavily on Creativity and Seeing as well as technical stuff. Lots of fieldtrips, and a slot set aside each day so that each participant has the opportunity for one-on-one mentoring. Oh yes, we will never be too far away from good coffee! If you are interested, drop me a line.

Ka kite ano


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